Hi folks! so it’s my first blog ever and I don’t know much about its writing style but I’ll try to latch on as fast as I can.

Politics. The most talked-about topic in India lately. When a politician becomes more of a celebrity than a social worker, it is supposed to allure people to take interest in, no ? Currently, A lot of things or you may call it incidents are happening in India. The number of stances have risen more than ever before and undoubtedly it is going to create inkling in everyone’s mind about what is true or false. People are being paid to write slanted articles, extol a particular person and create commotion in readers’ mind. The sole purpose is to prepare a mindset that could be easy to manipulate in whichever way they want to. After all, it’s part of their business. Nobody is wrong. Huh! Be it Right winger exaggeration or so called Indian liberals’ stupid analogy. The best way is not to confine your reading to these dirty influencers. Read voraciously and try to perceive all views regarding that. Note down your thoughts and ask questions to yourself before engaging in any argument or babble your rant chauvinism.

Let’s keep it as short as PM Modi’s role in GST making. Ephemeral trolling is always healthy but adding expletives to look cool in group with scathing “unfunny” sarcasm only makes it offensive ( and it hurts. believe me ). It might be fun for you but gradually it is polluting and paralyzing you for rational debate. In the end, I can only advise. say whatever you want because it’s your FoE ( with infinite hashtags ), bruhhh! 🙂

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